Mobile Sensory Room

about the project

Welcome to The Autism Acceptance All Stars, where we are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals on the Autism Spectrum as well as people with sensory processing disorders. We are excited to announce our latest project: building out a mobile sensory room to bring our services directly to those in need.

Our mobile sensory room will allow us to reach individuals in communities across the country, providing them with a safe place to manage their sensory processing difficulties. With our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff, we will create a safe and welcoming environment where individuals can explore and un-plug at any event that may not have a brick and mortar solution available like most indoor public facilities.

However, we need your help to make this project a reality. We are seeking donations to complete the construction of our mobile sensory room and ensure that we have the resources we need to provide high-quality services to individuals in need.

To make this project a reality, we are seeking sponsors and donations to help cover the total cost of the project. Our fundraising goal for this project is $50,000. With your support, we can create a safe and calming space for individuals with autism at events across the country.

The Mobile Sensory Room will be created from either a bus, van, or trailer. We will be making different options available over time to accommodate events and needs of any kind. They will be equipped with various sensory tools and equipment to help individuals regulate their sensory input. Some of the equipment will include calming lighting, noise-cancelling headphones, weighted blankets, and so much more.

We are thrilled about the potential impact that the Mobile Sensory Room will have on individuals with autism and their families. We hope that this project will raise awareness about the importance of sensory rooms and make them more accessible to everyone.

Thank you for your support! If you would like to contribute to our fundraising efforts, please visit our donation page. Together, we can make a difference and create a more inclusive world for individuals with autism.